Evans nosed ahead of fellow Council member Muriel Bowser, who raised just over $228,000, according to financial disclosure reports released Thursday. Bowser had beat out Evans as the No. 1 fundraiser during the previous reporting period.
“With the support we are receiving, I will be able to let every corner of the District know that I am serious about creating jobs, and I am the guy with the track record to do it,” Evans said in a press release Friday.
Evans again outspent the other candidates, doling out about $198,000. He has raised a total of about $760,000 since launching his campaign in June.
Former State Department official Reta Jo Lewis raised $92,554, while local businessman Christian Carter raised the lowest amount, bringing in about $2,000.
Evans is also the only candidate to secure a union endorsement, earning support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in July after he supported the Council’s controversial “living wage” bill, which would have raised salaries for employees at large retailers in the District to $12.50 an hour. The bill was vetoed by Gray in September.
The other Council member in the running, Tommy Wells, raised $103,000.
This post was updated Oct. 11, 2013 at 7:42 p.m. to reflect the following:
The Hatchet incorrectly reported that Reta Jo Lewis raised $76,000. She actually reported raising $92,554. We regret this error.