The annual World Bank-International Monetary Fund meetings from Sept. 23 to Sept. 25 might cause some disturbances near the perimeters of the Foggy Bottom Campus, but are not expected to greatly affect GW.
Sidewalks and parking near the World Bank and IMF buildings will likely be restricted, according to an infomail. Students should expect road closures and detours starting Friday morning, but “pedestrian access to all University facilities will be maintained throughout the weekend.”
This year’s infomail released an advisory similar to last year’s notice. Office of Emergency Management representatives attended planning meetings for the event, University Police Chief Kevin Hay said.
After consulting with the officials, Hay said UPD determined it will keep patrols at its normal levels during the meetings.
The annual meetings have historically drawn protests that in some years have taken a violent turn, with activists throwing bricks at storefronts and bystanders in 2007. The following year, protests were markedly quieter.
Students should remember to carry their GWorld and obey local police officers and signs, the infomail said.