Hatchet reporter Hilary Kelly shares her latest musical obsessions.
Susan Cagle
Live-recorded songs are, in my opinion, always more fun to listen to because you can really hear how much the artist loves what they do. This holds especially true in the case of Susan Cagle – known as Susan Justice – who recorded her album, The Subway Recordings, live in the New York City subway system. Cagle’s “Shakespeare”, despite being recorded underground, is decidedly upbeat – not only because the lyrics are honest in a optimistic way, but also because you can really hear Cagle’s joy in her voice – in fact, you can practically hear Cagle smiling as she sings.
“Don’t Turn Out the Lights”
A collaboration between New Kids on the Block and The Backstreet Boys, “Don’t Turn Out the Lights” is your typical boy band bubblegum pop fodder. That’s not to say, however, that it isn’t worth a listen. The beat is catchy, and the track elicits nostalgia for the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block days of our childhoods. Optimum listening: getting ready for a night out or a day in with some friends.
“Hold Me”
Jamie Grace featuring Toby Mac
Though billed as a Christian & Gospel track, “Hold Me” isn’t something you’d hear at church. Summed up in one word, this song is just plain happy. With lyrics like “Just when I feel this crazy world is gonna bring me down / That’s when Your smile comes around / Oo, I love the way You hold me, by my side You’ll always be / You take each and everyday, make it special in some way,” the song could be referring to any relationship, not necessarily one with God. The track is one I would listen to both when I need something to cheer me up and when I just want something lighthearted with a good message. I know this song will be in my rotation for quite a while.