The Hatchet’s editorial board encourages students to support GW’s Alternative Breaks by voting for the program in the Pepsi Refresh Project contest, and by participating in other fundraisers.
Participants in Alternative Breaks, a campus program that sends students across the world to perform service work during their winter and spring breaks, have rebuilt homes in New Orleans, worked with juvenile delinquents in Miami and helped the homeless in Atlanta. Their work, which exemplifies GW’s tenet of service, is entirely voluntary, but these service trips are ultimately very costly.
To mitigate some of the program’s expenses, Alternative Breaks has looked beyond GW for funding, and has garnered national recognition in the process. Alternative Breaks was recognized by the Classy Awards, an organization that funds service programs that effectively use social media. The program is also in the running to receive a $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Project award.