Stephen Gerber, a current GW graduate student and EMeRG clinical supervisor, urges students to stop jeering at their peers who get EMeRGed.
To the incoming Class of 2014: Give each other a break!
Here is the scene: It’s Thursday night at Thurston Hall, and you are hanging out in the front of the building with your friends. One of your classmates has a little too much alcohol to drink, and her roommate calls EMeRG because this poor 18-year-old passed her limit. The student is so sick that she barely understands the questions EMeRG officials ask her, she can’t hold her own head up and her hair is caked with vomit. The EMeRG staff finishes its assessment, loads her onto a stretcher and takes her down to the ambulance.
While being wheeled out of the lobby, she is taunted, cheered and harassed by her classmates. I’ve heard calls of, “Oh shit! Someone can’t hold her booze, LIGHTWEIGHT, can I get your number?” Other times, students chant “EMeRG, EMeRG, EMeRG!”