Hatchet Reporter Patrick Rochelle shares his latest musical obsessions.
Gregory and the Hawk: “Boats and Birds (Protohype Remix)”
I never heard of Gregory and the Hawk until I heard this remix. Protohype handles the material well, skillfully elaborating on what was originally a simple indie rock song. The fast yet steady beat transforms this rather sad song into an upbeat and joyful piece.
Dion and the Belmonts: “Teenager in Love”
It’s always difficult to see your parents as teenagers; to remember that they were once your age and living in similar shoes. When I see black and white YouTube videos of girls screaming their lungs out and dancing in an auditorium, I am amazed at how little has changed in sixty years.
I’ve always strayed away from 70s and 80s rock. In a weird way, it has always creeped me out. But while on a road trip with a friend this past week, the wall I built against Queen started to come down. There’s just so much passion in Freddy Mercury’s voice on this track: I can’t help but play the game.