It’s spring semester, which means a huge wave of students have or are about to set off around the world for exciting semesters abroad. Here at The Hatchet we like to keep in touch with our staff members who go abroad, and throughout the semester, they will be sending updates to our Passports blog as well as some pieces in print.

Hadley Malcolm
Junior | Journalism
Copenhagen, Denmark | Program: DIS
I have absolutely no idea what to expect in Copenhagen, which is why I am so excited to spend a semester there. The idea of exploring the unexpected is exhilarating and nerve-racking at the same time. I honestly don’t believe that I’m actually going to a different country for the next four months, and don’t think I will until I land in Copenhagen. Ironically, I’m flying through D.C. en route – my layover is at Dulles. I’ll be staying with a host family in Denmark, and really hope to become a part of their family customs and daily routines. I’m approaching my semester abroad as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to open myself to new experiences and friendships and push the boundaries of my comfort zone. I can’t wait to explore the city, travel Europe, take journalism classes in a different country, and, especially, spend a whole semester with the happiest people in the world.