Inter Fraternity Council leaders saw an increase in participation during fall recruitment, after 80 more men joined IFC fraternities than last year, IFC President Chas Pressner said.
Last year, 212 men joined IFC fraternities, whereas 292 men joined this year, a 37 percent increase.
Pressner attributed the increase to a longer recruitment process. IFC rush lasted for three weeks this year, due to the way the Jewish holidays fell on the calendar, Pressner said. In the past, the IFC recruitment period was two weeks.
“We switched to a more open recruitment system which allowed more potential new members to become familiar with Greek life before they joined,” Pressner said in a press release.
Phi Sigma Kappa President Daniel Blake said the longer rush period allowed for more creativity in recruitment events.
“I think the longer rush process allows Chapter’s [sic] to have a more creative and dynamic rush process,” Blake said in a press release. “It gives the Chapters more time to get to know rushees and rushees more time to get to know the different Chapters. I like the new format and hope the IFC continues to allow more freedom and creativity during the rush process.”