This post was written by Staff Writer Madeleine Morgenstern.
The Student Association launched a new network of Web sites last week.
The SA’s Web site had been little-used and under construction for much for the past few months, but the organization launched the sites July 5, according to blog post on the main site.,, are designed to “provide access to the vast array of services that our student government provides,” according to the post.
The main site currently contains blog entries, a calendar of events, and a breakdown of the University’s student government structure. SA President Julie Bindelglass said she is excited about the launch.
“It’s a great resource…the University has so much information, and we want all of that to be in one location,” Bindelglass said., which is not yet fully launched, will increase financial transparency, according to Bindelglass. The site is designed to make it easy to see how SA funds are being spent, but the homepage currently directs funding-related questions to Ashish Kumbhat, vice president for financial affairs, or to Connor Walsh, the Senate Finance Committee chair. was created because to highlight the personal side of the SA, Bindelglass said.
The Web site now lists a number of local student discounts available in the D.C. area, contact information for Student Judicial Advisors, and promises to soon host an online test bank. It also offers help with registration, roommate trouble, and encourages campus involvement.
Bindelglass said that together, the Web sites serve a dual function increasing communication both ways.
“It’s not just us ‘telling’ but we’re also receiving feedback from students,” she said.