Two reality shows and a movie are set to film in the District, continuing a wave of recent D.C.-centric productions that include films like “Body of Lies,” “State of Play” and “Salt,” an upcoming Angelina Jolie picture.
The Bravo channel announced in late May that a new installment of its “Real Housewives” series would expand to within the Beltway, and producers for the show are currently scouting for wives who fit the bill of “the city’s alluring and discriminating residents… who have their pulse on the most important cultural events, political galas, gallery openings and fundraisers in Washington society,” according to the channel’s blog. The show currently films wealthy spouses in Orange County, New York, New Jersey and Atlanta.
Online reports that MTV’s popular series “The Real World” will shoot in the District later this summer are also flying. Several job advertisements for production assistants for a D.C. reality show were allegedly placed by Bunim/Murray Productions, the company responsible for the series, on an entertainment job Web site. The ads have since been taken down, but speculation is rampant, and some reports think they know where the show’s house is located.
Reese Witherspoon’s latest film is also set to feature the District as a backdrop. The film, tentatively titled “How Do You Know?” has received a grant from the Film D.C. Economic Incentive Grant Fund and will employ more than 100 local crew members and several hundred local extras, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty announced last week. The film will shoot in D.C. for 14 weeks and is expected to generate $8.5 million in local spending, Fenty said. Film crews spent more than $115 million shooting in the District in 2007 and 2008, according to a press release issued by Fenty.