A dozen rooms have been confirmed positive for bedbugs this academic year, University Spokeswoman Tracy Schario said on Tuesday.
It began with just a small dorm inhabited by engineering students this fall but has spread to larger dorms, including confirmed infestations in New Hall this month. More than 60 rooms have been treated since the fall in an attempt to contain the spread of the small blood-sucking insect, Schario said.
The inspection and eradication process conducted by the University’s Residential Property Management requires that students living in possibly infested rooms move all of their belongings to the center of the room, vacate the room for four hours and wash all bedding and clothing.
Students affected by the decontamination efforts receive $10 to $20 on their GWorld cards as reimbursement for the cost of laundry and trash bags to store their belongings—a response many of the affected students interviewed said they found unsatisfactory.
The University recommends that students who suspect they have bedbugs – with symptoms including a red, itchy rash and welts – should visit Student Health Services and contact Residential Property Management to have their room inspected.