Kevin Homiak, Student Association President Vishal Aswani’s newly appointed spokesman, held a press conference Sunday afternoon to discuss Aswani’s recent veto.
This was Homiak’s first press conference since he was confirmed to the position two weeks ago.
Homiak spoke on behalf of Aswani, adding Aswani “expects people will understand his point of view” regarding his veto of SA Sen. Logan Dobson’s bill, which would have eliminated signature requirements for all students seeking positions within the SA.
Aswani vetoed Dobson’s bill because he said students should have to show “a modicum of seriousness, viability, and connection to the student body” if they plan on running for a position within the executive.
In addition to vetoing Dobson’s bill, Aswani introduced his own piece of legislation, which if passed at the SA Senate meeting Tuesday night would eliminate signature requirements for students running for Senate positions and require candidates for president or executive vice president to collect signatures from 1 percent of the student body.
While Homiak admits that Aswani may not be the most popular figure head within the SA at the moment, he hopes SA Senators do not “vote against [the bill] just because Vishal is bringing it up.”
Present at the press conference was Dobson himself, who asked Homiak why Aswani thinks signature requirements would show that a candidate is serious.
Homiak said Aswani thinks signature requirements are “legitimate for people to demonstrate how much they are willing to work for students.”
Executive Vice President Kyle Boyer was also present at the meeting.
He said he is prepared to collect signatures in order to seek the position of SA president.
“Dobson’s bill was passed by a super majority. If the same people vote, logan’s bill will overturn the veto,” Boyer said.
A special Senate meeting will be held Tuesday night to debate this issue as well as go over mid-year finances.