Jason Lifton, a sophomore and Student Association vice president of community affairs, announced Wednesday morning that he will run for executive vice president.
Lifton said as EVP, he would focus on advocating rather than programming.
“I have seen the SA become a programming body that over steps its boundaries, an SA that does not spend their time advocating for students and instead gets caught up in its own internal politics and an SA that doesn’t make a unified effort to communicate with students,” Lifton said in a press release. “All of these things are unacceptable to me.”
In his candidacy statement, Lifton listed some of his goals.
“As EVP I plan to work with the President to lobby the university’s administration on items of student concern,” said Lifton. “The same hot button issues that we have faced for years are still in the forefront of our attention. We must work to improve dining options, provide adequate space for student use and we can no longer afford to have a sub par advising system.”
Lifton said his experience on current SA President Vishal Aswani’s cabinet allowed him to form necessary relationships with administrators.
“This past year I have worked in the Foggy Bottom community on behalf of the university, as Vice President for Community Affairs,” Lifton wrote. “Through this position I have been given the opportunities to work with administrators on every level. In a school that is mummified in red tape, these relationships will help me to lobby for students without having to deal with the GW bureaucracy.”
Lifton is the second student to announce his candidacy for a position in the SA executive. SA elections will take place Feb. 25 and 26.