CHARLOTTE, N.C. – After waking up early at the YMCA on this rainy October Saturday, the group got ready to meet Kay Hagan, the challenger for Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole’s seat. We arrived at her local office and first heard briefly from Anthony Fox of the City Council. Fox said they are not used to being a battleground state, calling Hagan “salt of the earth,” and adding, “she gets North Carolina.”
Hagan arrived and proceeded to impart some words about her hopes for her and Barack Obama’s historical campaigns. “I’m sorry it’s not one of those Carolina Blue sky days,” she said, “but what you’re doing out there, you’re gonna make it that way.” She also shared that she had the opportunity to play basketball with Barack Obama during a recent visit to a local high school. She closed by saying “we’re gonna win it for the democrats!”
The College Democrats were departing for the trail on their bus when a local coordinator received a phone call. They turned around to find Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota waiting for them.
“I want to add another woman to the Senate,” she told the bus. “I know she’s running against a woman, but I want this woman.”
The College Democrats then took to the trail.