Student Association President-elect Vishal Aswani selected his choices for next year’s executive cabinet.
Thirty-nine students will serve on Aswani’s cabinet – a number the president-elect said he is excited about.
“My transition staff and I could not be happier with the number of applications received this year, as it far exceeded the number of posts available,” said Aswani, a junior. “We believe that this level of interest from the general student body denotes an unprecedented desire for involvement in the Student Association.”
The eight vice presidential cabinet positions, which all must be approved by the senate rules committee and the full senate before they become official, went to many familiar faces within the SA.
Tim Little, a junior, will serve as vice president for academic affairs for the second third year in a row.
Freshmen SA Sens. Shawn Dejbaksh (FYNV) and Tabisa Walwema (FYNV) will be VP for student activities and public affairs respectively.
SA Sen. J.P. Simon (SMHS) will serve as VP for graduate student policy.
Sophomore Dan Curran, current VP of student activities, will serve as VP for undergraduate student policy next year.
Current senate parliamentarian Fred Girard, a sophomore, will serve as VP for legislative and judicial affairs.
Freshmen Chas Pressner and Jason Lifton, will serve as VP for financial affairs and community affairs respectively. Pressner is currently the assistant VP for financial affairs.
SA Sen. Nick Polk (FY-NV), next year’s rules chair, said Aswani’s appointments exceeded his expectations.
“They represent such a great cross section of GW,” said Polk, a freshman. “I recognized people I served on the Senate and in the SA with, people that I play basketball with, people that sit next to me in class, generally people from all over GW. I definitely know that the people Vishal appointed will represent a broad range of experiences in different student organizations and other divisions of GW and will bring those experiences to create a very diverse and successful cabinet.”
Polk said he does not envision any of Aswani’s appointments not making it through his committee.
“Having sat through these interviews and (having) met these people, I am confident that they will exceed our expectations, give 110% to GW, and are here because they want to make a change and help others,” Polk said. “Because of this, I am confident that they will pass through.”
The senate rules committee will vote on the approval of Aswani’s cabinet appointments April 10.