You may have seen our article last week about how thefts from automobiles are increasing in the District, including in Foggy Bottom. It’s certainly a problem that’s being addressed across the city, especially in the Second District police area. Just last night, 10 cars were burglarized on the same block of New Mexico Avenue just north of Georgetown, according to a crime summary released this morning from the Metropolitan Police Department. Some of the items stolen include a CD player, 800 CDs, a satellite radio, eyeglasses, a t-shirt, a backpack, tools, etc. It has become one of the most common crimes in the Northwest.
Police in the area are trying to tackle the problem using bait cars (which can be turned off remotely), and tracking stolen GPS systems. The crime can best be prevented if residents hide their expensive items before leaving the vehicle, local police luitenant Phillip Lanciano said in our article last week.