Welcome to The Hatchet’s live-blogging for the general elections. We will be updating through the night as the results come in. Stay tuned!
9:16 p.m. Joint Elections Committee starts the meeting and begins vote tabulation.
9:20 p.m. JEC chair Ben Balter begins counting the one paper ballot.
10:03 p.m. The JEC is still sorting and tabulating data. They first have to combine online voting (from the my.gwu.edu and law.gwu.edu portals), and then factor in the write-in votes, as necessary. Write-in votes will be read out loud once they reach that point. The JEC is required by the charter to announce all results together, even though some races might be known by members of the JEC before others.
10:38 p.m. The JEC has announced that they are 10-15 minutes away from announcing the results. They are counting the write-in candidates, and they will not be read out loud (per the charter — they had considered taking it a step further at one point).
11:09 p.m. We’re still waiting for results. The JEC is still up front staring at computer screens.
11:11 p.m. We’ve been told that the JEC is validating the write-in votes, to determine voter intent.
11:16 p.m. Tim Miller was just seen throwing a football across the ballroom with SA executive vice president Brand Kroeger.
11:17 p.m. EVP candidate Kyle Boyer throws the football to Kroeger, who returns the football to Chris Rotella. Rotalla then hits an innocent bystander. “Stop throwing the football,” Miller said over the microphone. (You’ll note that he started it a few moments ago.)
11:23 p.m. Because someone asked in a comment: There are a lot of write-in votes to be tallied, ranging from jokes to legitimate votes. Voter intent for every vote must be established — for example, the JEC would allow for misspellings of candidate names provided it can establish intent. (Thus, Oyiborhoro’s Facebook video on how to spell his name may not have been necessary.)
11:28 p.m. Tim Miller is calling EVP Kroeger, Program Board chair Jay Kaplan, and a MCGB representative to the front.
11:31 p.m. This live-blog might seem like watching an ice cube melt in the freezer. Obviously there’s not a lot going on, and we can only offer so much anecdotal commentary. Last year, with the read-out of every ballot, there was a lot more to go on.
11:32 p.m. Presidential candidate Tarek Al-Hariri is asking about hanging chads. We sense a court case.
11:33 p.m. THE RESULTS ARE VERY CLOSE. They’re huddling.
11:36 p.m. They’re still huddling.
11:39 p.m. See above.
11:42 p.m. “Ben Balter is a sex God” did not win, according to the chair. He’s going over the rules, and here are the results…
4390 voter turnout
Senate seats first. A lot of low votes and four-way ties. (And 13-way ties.) We’re getting to the big ones…
ESIA-U – Patrick Hanley, Louis Laverone, Ernesto Apreza
SoB – U – 553 votes: Daniel Preiss
CCAS – U, 6521 votes (almost the whole college): Julie Bindelglass, Michael Komo, Chris Pappas, Chris Borchert, Lee Barkalow, Logan Dobson
Undergraduate At Large: Nick Polk, Rob Lockwood (write-in)
Program Board vice chair: Elissa Davis
Program Board chair: Tiffany Meehan
EVP and presidential results are any moment.
12:18 a.m. Preliminary results are in another blog post.