While most students were sleeping, candidates for the Student Association, Program Board and Marvin Center Governing Board, and their supporters, gathered in Kogan Plaza early Wednesday morning to put up campaign posters around campus.
More than 75 students waited in a holding area blocked off by yellow campaign caution tape on the sidewalk across the street from the Marvin Center until the postering period began at 7 a.m. When the clock struck seven, students dashed to the front of Marvin Center, Academic Center and University Yard to secure prime real estate for their candidate’s campaign posters.
“(My strategy is) to attack from all corners,” said SA Sen. Shawn Dejbakhsh (FY-NV), an undergraduate at-large candidate. “We have speed, agility and excellent taping skills.”
Temperatures were just above 30 degrees Wednesday morning, but that did not stop more than 30 supporters of presidential write-in candidate SA Sen. OG Oyiborhoro (CCAS-U) from assisting in the postering. Oyiborhoro had the most backers at the campaign event.
“I woke up at 6 a.m. (to come out here) because I believe OG is the best candidate out there,” sophomore Sade Chase-Marshall said. “It is important that we get his name out there.”
Freshmen Chris Borchert and Chris Pappas, who are running together to represent the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences in the senate, said they gathered as many people as possible to help them put up posters.
“Name recognition is key,” Pappas said. “Everyone has the same platform with the same four or five issues so it is important to get your name out there.”
Shortly after 7 a.m. nearly all of the space in front of the Marvin Center was filled with posters of all sizes and colors.
Freshman and CCAS-U candidate SA Sen. Julie Bindelglass (CCAS-U) said she was surprised by the intensity of the postering period.
“I did not expect it to be as physical as it was,” Bindelglass said. “I almost lost my phone (when I was running), but (Student Activities Center Director) Tim Miller found it.”
Although most of the candidates said they planned to hang their posters on the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses, one candidate was planning to reach out to GW students beyond the District.
Presidential candidate SA Sen. Kevin Kozlowski (U-At Large) said his campaign manager, sophomore Zach Silber, went to the Virginia campus in Ashburn to put up posters.
“Kevin’s platform has a focus on grad students,” Silber said. “Grads count too.”
Joint Elections Committee Chair Ben Balter said the postering period went smoothly.
“It was a friendly event,” said Balter, a junior. “We are all Colonials and we all look out for each other. It set the tone for a free and fair election.”