I appreciate the comments I recently received on my piece on Tony Taylor, GW’s first committed basketball recruit for next year. It was a cool experience and I hope everyone liked it.
Few questions I’ll answer. Feel free to e-mail me or comment on this blog with anything else. One question was why how could his competitiveness be a detriment? Well, as I said in the story, Taylor hates anything but perfection. His coach said he rarely is happy, unless he’s perfect. Taylor told me he’s happy, only when he does everything close to perfect.
An interesting question was posed on GWHoops.com: why don’t we do more of this. The answer, simply, is we don’t have the time or resources. I live in southern Connecticut, about 25 minutes from White Plains, and decided to do this story when I was home on winter break. Ben Solomon lives in New Jersey and drove to New York to take photos. We would like to do more but it’s simply too tough. We devote a lot of money to sports travel and cover nearly every GW game. To follow each recruit would be too difficult.
We will be working on a few large feature stories later this year along this vain.
Thanks for reading!