This year’s Greek Week, sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity Council and the Pan-Hellenic Association, is raising money for various philanthropies and will introduce new members of fraternities and sororities to GW’s Greek-letter community.
“This is something we plan for months and months and months,” said Chris Dibitetto, president of IFC. “It’s a big deal for us as far as time and planning.”
Greek Week began Sunday and will run through Saturday. Most of the funding provided by the Student Association to the IFC and Panhel goes toward Greek Week programming, DiBitetto said.
“The majority of Greek events are put on by individual chapters. This is an IFC and Panhel-wide event,” DiBitetto said. He added that money raised during the week is divided and distributed to individual chapters who send their portion of the total amount raised to their philanthropies.
Greek Week began Sunday afternoon with Greek Games, held in Kogan Plaza. This event featured a relay race, a pie-eating contest and other games.
“It’s a fun way to kick off the week,” Dibitetto said. “Everyone loves (Greek Games).”
Kaitlin Seeberger, vice president of programming for Panhel, said this year’s Greek Week has been going great so far.
“We are very excited about the turnout this year and about how enthusiastic all the chapters have been,” she said.
Dibitetto said chapters love to use Greek Week as a way to get new members involved and that the desire to participate is mutual.
“(Participation is) not required – everything’s a choice – but lots of pledges are excited to get involved,” he said. “The majority of chapters send all their new members to all the events. It helps them understand how big the community is on campus.”