Zipcar is no longer only for GW’s upperclassmen.
Three cars will be made available specifically for GW Zipcar members between the ages of 18 and 20 years old by the start of the fall semester, according to Zipcar and University officials.
Ellice Perez, D.C. regional vice president for Zipcar, said the arrangement was “extremely special and just for GW.”
“We are big supporters of GW,” said Perez, who is an MBA graduate of GW’s School of Business. “GW is a very special place to us. This is the only program like it across the Zipcar world.”
Zipcar has other 18 and older programs at colleges across the country including Smith, Amherst and Wellesley colleges. However, the GW program is the first in an “urban setting,” Perez said.
“These (programs) are just on campuses in cities where there is not a Zipcar office,” she said. “These locations are more stand-alone and in less populated areas.”
GW students under 21 can purchase a minimum $25 yearly Zipcar membership and will be granted access to a “dedicated fleet” of three cars: a Honda Civic, a Honda Element and a Scion XB.
They will be parked in the Law School parking lot at the corner of 20th and H streets, Perez said.
Once the student turns 21, he or she will then have access to the more than 500 cars in the city, she added.
She said there will be not be any differences between the younger Zipcar memberships and the program already offered at GW.
GW students under 21 years of age will not be charged extra for Zipcar use. The minimum charges of $9 per hour and $65 per day will still apply.
Anthony Marinos, a 2006 graduate of GW and D.C. regional marketing coordinator for Zipcar, said he expects high demand for the new cars.
“I think it will be huge,” Marinos said. “Now, everyone will be able to sign-up and take advantage of Zipcar.”
Perez said ZipCar officials will be monitoring student demand for the new cars.
Marinos said younger GW students will no longer need to rely on friends and parents to get around D.C.
“It opens up a whole new level to GW students,” Marinos said. “There is so much more to the city that GW students can now take advantage of.”
-Andrew Springer contributed to this report.
Drivers under 21 can now Zip
August 30, 2007
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