With warmer weather coming to D.C., University officials are taking measures to warn students of flammable materials on campus.
One of the University’s biggest concerns is mulch. Although no serious damage has occurred from a mulch fire, Nancy Haaga, managing director of Campus Support Services, stressed the importance of implementing fire safety precautions in University-owned areas.
“These occurrences are, thankfully, rare and are easily preventable if common sense is applied to the disposal of lit cigarettes in a proper metal container versus throwing them carelessly onto a flammable material such as landscaping mulch,” Haaga wrote in an e-mail.
Mount Vernon Campus Life officials highlighted mulch fire prevention in its e-mail newsletter, which suggested students use cigarette butt cans found around campus.
Haaga said during the spring and again in the fall, grounds crews spread mulch as part of the process to tidying up gardens and landscaping across campus.
“The spreading of mulch is part of the process to maintain healthy, beautiful, well-maintained landscaping,” Haaga said.