Today the Hatchet published the culmination of a project that took more than a semester to work on.
In the fall we came up with the idea of looking at all the different ethnic and cultural organizations on campus and compare them. From that idea it spread to look at the diversity of GW’s student population in comparison with those at our “market basket” schools, or other colleges and universities around the country that have a similar population, setting, financial situation or the likes.
Leah Carliner, who is now studying abroad in Israel, worked tirelessly on two separate articles, speaking with GW students, administrators, national experts and other schools. She did a terrific job.
Also to be mentioned is the GW Hatchet photo department who worked very hard over a two day period to set up a photo shoot in which random students from across GW’s campus were photographed in an apartment in the Statesman. The photo’s were laid out in a very nice looking photo essay on page 9 of the paper today.
We’d love to get some reader feedback on this story. So, take a look at it, read it, and let us know what you think.
Thanks for everyone for reading it and great job to everyone who worked on it!