Secretary General of the ShintoCouncil says:
Please explain to me how Maryland is still Washington area’s team? Is it money? Power? Corruption?
Look man- your job is to get the word out. Talk up GW so that we get coverage from Steiny and more negative press from Un-Wise and Prisbellian journalism. You’re a pawn of the GW Illuminati whether you like it or not. There were sports editors before you who have come and gone…much like you they don’t want to question authority or challenge the newpaper they may eventuially end up working for.
UMD– is not Washingtron’s team. They are the Post’s team. Get that stright brother…cause you have a lot of growing up to do collegiate.
Ok General. My job is to be an objective journalist. I never really had the chance to be a fan of GW, as I have covered the team since I’ve been at GW. My job is not to talk to guys at the Post about their coverage. They are the best sports section in the nation (arguably) and they do a great job with their product. In my tenure as a writer and editor at the Hatchet, I have questioned authority on numerous occasions. Remember the Lulu’s incident? How about our questioning Kvancz on the scheduling? You may like the Hatchet or not but I do not try to get a job through my work.
Maryland has 17,000+ at every game. The interest of the area clearly lies in College Park, Md.