Posted 4:30pm March 16
by Nell McGarity
U-WIRE Washington Bureau
From coast to coast, the nation continued to debate the sancitity of same sex marriage this week.
In Asbury Park, New Jersey the first same sex couple were married. However, state Attorney General Peter C. Harvey said the wedding was not valid, according to United Press International.
The state constitution does not define marriage as limited to a man and a woman. This battle over same sex marriage in the sate has been waged largely in the courts. The local municipal government granting marriage certificates puts New Jersey in a similar conflict with state authority like New York, California and Oregon.
In Washington, the debate is being waged across the state, according to United Press International.
Six same sex couples sued Seattle’s King County for refusing to issue them marriage licenses while Mayor Greg Nickles announced that they would recognize marriage licenses granted elsewhere,
according to United Press International.
In other parts of Washington sate, legislators and activists worked to further the rights for gays and lesbians.
These states are the latest to join the nation wide tug of war between those wishing to extend the rights of marriage to gays and lesbian couples and those who with to define marriage as only between a man and a woman.