In response to the letter to the editor in the Oct. 25 edition of The GW Hatchet by Bonnie Morris, “Rags for rugby,” the Office of Recreational Sports and Fitness Services does not consider sport clubs “lowly”. GW sport clubs would be the first to tell you they can hold their own against any collegiate club in the country. In the spring of 2000, our men’s lacrosse club won the Division Two Collegiate National Club Championship. Two weeks ago, our Taekwondo club traveled to Texas for the national championships and literally and figuratively kicked butt.
One disadvantage of being a sport club at GW is players must purchase their uniforms and often pay a substantial out-of-pocket expense. On a positive note, after a student graduates from GW, sport club members get to keep their jerseys – a cherished keepsake for each player. By contrast, varsity athletes must turn in their uniforms, as they are GW property. We treat the men’s and women’s rugby clubs equally, funding each club $2,200 during the academic year to pay for Potomac Rugby Union dues and team transportation costs. Many of the sport clubs do their fair share of fundraising to keep dues down. And last year Vice President for Student and Academic Support Services Robert Chernak allocated additional money to fund our sport clubs. Our sport clubs get adequate financial support, but they could always use additional funding to avoid having to bake cookies to raise money.
Dr. Morris’s main point in her letter was to stir up more student support at games for the women’s rugby club, and I whole-heartedly agree with her.
-Aubre Jones
director, Recreational Sports and Fitness Services