Dan Loren (SA Pres.)
I believe in Student Association reform, student advocacy, reform of student judicial process, fair allocations, supporting student groups year-round, cutting the executive budget by $25,000, making noise, loving GW, voting freshmen representation, a stronger student union, a louder voice, fun. More than 50 words to get a message across –
Bob Simon (SA Pres.)
Bob Simon is the only leader running for SA president. He will not make empty promises or engage in dirty politics. Bob is more concerned about the cares of his constituents than camping out for prime poster space. Bob Simon is not afraid to use this position.
Roger Kapoor (SA Pres.)
As a CF, I worked with students to solve their problems and make their voices heard. The current Student Association is broken; I will bring the best minds in GW together to fix it. If we work together, the SA can be a service and not a political organization.
J. P. Blackford (EVP)
As executive vice president, I’ll work with everyone to develop a unified agenda that responds to your concerns, and creates an active Senate that doesn’t just pass resolutions, but advocates them to the administration and brings about real change. The SA will reach its full potential. Vote J.P. for EVP!
Mike Pellegrino (EVP)
My friends call me Pelli. I want a new constitution and advocacy for students about bad recycling, expensive food, high costs for lower services and an idle SA. I want a graduate-undergraduate split. I want to have fun. I want government instead of a political clique. Check me out:
Josh Singer (EVP)
I am running for SA executive vice president. I am an advocate for students who wants to reform SJS, set a minimum $200 that student groups receive, invite groups to Senate meetings so they can be recognized for their achievements and build a bond between the SA Senate and executive.
Christian Berle (U-At Large)
The Student Association Senate should be a place of leadership, but most importantly, dedication. I have observed senators who have lost interest in serving the students whom they represent. I will tell that I will never lose interest in representing all of the undergraduate students. So vote for Berle.
Raj Parekh (U-At Large)
Raj P. for undergrad at-large because I am honest and I tell it like it is. I need your support to represent the diversity of this campus cultural and ideological. Look at last year’s Hatchet and see how many senators kept their promises. Vote for Matt and Raj P.
Joe Patry (U-At Large)
I am a sophomore majoring in international affairs. I play rugby. Specifically, I want to reform dining services, reduce Student Health waiting time and give freshmen senators a vote. I support the constitution proposed by Change for Students. Let’s make the SA work for students. Let’s change the game.
Daniel Yang (U-At Large)
You want results? I will fight for 24-hour dining on campus, better customer service, recycling, fair funding and resources for student groups and better academic support. For $35,000, you deserve the most! You can always call me at home to find out what I am doing for you. 242-1662
Jenn Beppu (U-CSAS)
Why am I running? Being SA chief of staff was not enough? The answer is no. I want to do something new: advocate for students as a senator. I would appreciate your consideration as well as your vote. Vote Beppu! Vote Beppu! Vote Beppu! Vote Beppu!
Matt Chester (U-CSAS)
I want to work for better advising, reimbursement and open communication between the SA and the student body. I support the new SA constitution because undergraduate and graduate students have different goals and it gives more representation by having one senator per 650 students instead of one per 1,000.
Fiona Conroy (U-CSAS)
It is my chief priority to make the Student Association a service to the students as opposed to a political organization. All my initiatives are things that directly affect the students, such as: more weekend dining options and an expansion of the general course requirements within the Columbian School.
Eric Daleo (U-CSAS)
I want to be an advocate for students and student groups. I believe students must speak with one voice to the administration and that voice is the SA Senate. My experience as vice president of Thurston Hall and as a GW dining commissioner will aid me in this goal.
Josh Douglas (U-CSAS)
I’m Josh Douglas. If elected, I will make sure you have a place to voice your concerns. So much of life at GW is about money. And that is why my campaign slogan is “Priceless.” I want to make the SA a “Priceless” organization. Vote for Josh Douglas. Priceless.
Brian Pasquarelli (U-CSAS)
We are on the brink of monumental changes in the Student Association. Go out and vote this Tuesday and Wednesday if you are in favor of more funding and greater autonomy for student groups, “performance reviews” for all Aramark employees and voting rights for freshman senators. Vote Brian Pasquarelli CSAS-Senator
Gerome Rothman (U-CSAS)
If you vote for Gerome Rothman you will be voting for someone who loves GW and will not try to distract you with pointless personality contests. Advocating real housing reform and providing guidance to growing student groups will help make GW a better place. Together, we will keep it real!
Andrew Wiseman (U-CSAS)
The Senate’s duty should be to serve as the voice of the students. If elected, I will push to make senators more visible and accessible to all students. An accessible Senate will not only represent the students better to the administration, it will let the students’ voice finally be heard.
Sean Wang (U-CSAS)
There is a communication problem between the Student Association and the students. We need senators who knock on students’ doors and ask what they want from the SA. We need to value actions more than words. Now you decide what is in the best interest of the GW students.
Sofiya Goldshteyn (U-CSAS)
Extra flyers because I’m not on the ballot – $40; Number of candidates I’m competing with – 14 ; Rehearsals missed due to campaign – 5; Dinners missed due to election – 12; Still running to make a difference despite roadblocks – priceless ; on the 27th and 28th, write in Sofiya for CSAS senator.
Mark Nerney (U-ESIA)
Hi, my name is Mark Nerney, and I am running for Elliot School senator. I currently serve as a freshman senator and am running for another term to make our time at GW the best it can. Check out my Web site at for details about my platform.
Rida Barakat (U-SEAS)
During my last year at SEAS, I would like to work on the issues that out of my experience will make a difference so that the new freshman and sophomore would enjoy things that my class didn’t, and that’s why I am asking for your vote.
Rudolfo Alvarez (U-SEAS)
Rudy! Rudy! I see a need for more diversity in the Student Association and more participation from SEAS. I will do so, I will go to meetings and get things done. All I ask is that you vote Rudy for SEAS! Also, good luck to all the candidates.
Dan Moss (U-SBPM)
I am a freshman running for the Business School Senate. First I believe that the university needs to be held accountable to the Student Association. I also believe that the Student Association needs to be accountable to the student body. Remember to change the game!
Phillip Robinson, Jr. (U-SBPM)
Imagine fair funding, making SBPM concentrations into majors, more class selections, a reformed SBPM advising system, and town hall meetings with Dean Cook to voice your concerns. Together, we can make these dreams our reality. Vote Phillip Robinson, Jr. for SBPM Undergraduate Senator. And remember … imagine.
Abid Mirza (U-SBPM)
If elected I will work for a fair and adequate allocation process, a fast paced reimbursement process or some type of new debit/checking account system, student surveys, a revision of the advising process in the business school making advisors more accessible and more class sections in the business school.
Alicia O’Neil (PB Chair)
“Something Happens Here,” and at PB, “We Are What Happens.” Next year, be on the lookout for traditional PB events such as Fall Fest and Spring Fling as well as new events that will expand the scope of PB’s programming. Vote Alicia O’Neil and Bryan Gless for PB-Chair and Vice-Chair.
Bernard Pollack (PB EVC)
I want the Program Board to initiate more programming that helps local performers. As a musician, actor and writer, I am constantly exposed to the many talented students at GW, and it’s a shame how many of them remain unheard. Support the Local Arts Community. Vote Bernard for PB EVC.
Bryan Gless (PB EVC)
Experience is the most important quality on the executive board. I have that experience. I helped plan some of PB’s biggest events – Bill Maher, Election Night Party, WRGW debates. I worked with organizations to grant funding for their programs. I will continue to do so. Make your vote count.
Benish Shah (MCGB)
My name is Benish Shah, I am running for the Marvin Center Governing Board. I want to open up communication between the MCGB and the students. I believe that the best way to represent people it to get to know their concerns and ideas. Vote Benish Shah for the MCGB.
Ben Getto (MCGB)
As the Marvin Center continues to act as the hub of campus life it is important that every student and student group have a connection to the building. My job will be to make sure the Marvin Center is available to every student group’s meetings, gatherings, and programs. Website: