On Thursday, April 20, The Hatchet published an article entitled SA targets security in residence halls. As a member of the Residence Hall Association, this article bothered me.
At the beginning of the year, RHA Vice President Noel Frame asked if anyone would like to help out with her committee on security. I decided to volunteer because the issue of security was important to me.
Frame arranged for us to have joint meetings with the Student Association Security Committee. She felt that together, the two groups could solve more problems. At one of our first meetings, we decided to distribute surveys to students to find out what their major concerns were. At the next RHA meeting, Frame handed out surveys so that hall councils could fill out and return them to her.
At the next joint committee meeting, the SA was still not ready to hand out its survey, so it decided that the best course of action was to contact us when they had any new developments. I personally never saw an SA survey on security, nor did I hear about the results of that survey.
I saw first-hand how the SA dragged its feet on the issue of security. Frame worked hard to make sure that the RHA surveys were finished in time for our joint meetings and to make sure that the RHA members filled out the surveys.
Although I do applaud the SA for trying to make our campus more secure, I do feel it is too little too late. Yes, the resolution passed about the Aston is a good one, but the resolution is more cosmetic because RHA already made an attempt to solve this problem before the SA passed this resolution.
-Rosalyn Metz