I would like to thank the University community for its tremendous patience during the election the past week and the marathon counting process Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Certainly, no one on the Election Committee wanted it to take so long to count all the ballots, as we all had nice comfortable beds beckoning us home. I was particularly impressed with the dedication shown by the other members of the committee and our adviser, Jason Anthony from the Student Activities Center, who stayed up all night performing a thankless job. I was also impressed by all the candidates and campaign staff who hung around to observe us count – I question their sanity, but I’m impressed by their dedication.
I think it should be reiterated that this was the first time I know of that the Election Committee actually let the public watch it count ballots. That certainly slowed down the entire procedure. But we did it for a reason – we wanted everyone to be a part of the process and understand exactly what we were doing.
While I am thanking people, I would like to thank all the poll watchers for performing a generally thankless and stressful job. Without them, the election could never have taken place.
This election process has been full of problems, that’s for sure. Some were avoidable, others were not. One problem facing the election process is that it is generally a whole new group of people running the elections each year. After this year, I know why that is – I certainly will not be volunteering to work on the Election Committee again next year. And I’d like to publicly apologize to any past Election Committee member that I’ve ever attacked – now I know what you went through.
Finally, thank you to all the candidates that ran a good race. Winners or losers, you are all fine people who I have enjoyed working with, and your dedication to getting involved in student government is commendable. If every person who ever complained about something about GW actually did what you did, running for office to try to make a difference, then the University would be a much better place.-Jeff Baxter
SA Election Committee chair