Genus and species name: Cannabis Sativa
History: 1850-1875: Cannabis first brought to Jamaica from India. Used in U.S. primarily for medicinal purposes. 1900-1925: Marijuana smoking by Mexican laborers in towns along Mexican border begins. Quickly spreads along Gulf Coast. 1914-1931: 29 states, most west of Mississippi River prohibit the non-medical use of marijuana. 1915: U.S. prohibits importing of marijuana for non-medical purposes.
Method taken: Usually smoked or ingested orally in baked goods.
Effects produced: giddyness, excessive laughter, light-headedness, paranoia
Common side effects: Amotivational syndrome, chest pain/respiratory problems.
Common terminology: Bowl, bong, joint, blunt, kind bud, dank, Midi’s, schwag, puffing, baking, clam-baking, hot-boxing, chronic
Active ingredient: MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxy-methamphetamine)
Method taken: Orally ingested pill.
Effect Produced: Hallucinagenic, central nervous system stimulant.
Common terminology: E, rolling, wafer, lover’s speed
LSD (Lysergic Acid Dithylamide):
Method taken: Orally ingested.
Common terminology: acid, tabs, tripping, sugar cubes
11 million: Estimated number of marijuana users in America last year.
68.6 million: Estimated number of Americans who have tried marijuana in their lifetime.
2 seconds: Length of time in which a person tries marijuana for the first time in America.
$502: Amount U.S. government spends per marijuana user on enforcement.
$216: Amount U.S. government spends per marijuana user on education/prevention.
sources: and the National Institutes of Health