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`Crossfire’ host doles out criticism to Republicans

Crossfire co-host Bill Press told students in Funger Hall Tuesday he does not believe presidential candidate Pat Buchanan’s assertion that the Democratic and Republican parties are identical.

I think it’s pure elephant shit, Press said.

He worked with Buchanan on Crossfire until Buchanan left the show to pursue his political career. Press did not have kind words about his former colleague.

Here’s Pat Buchanan, the son that Hitler never had, he said.

Regarding Buchanan’s repeated runs for president, he said Buchanan was delusional and actually believed he had a chance of winning.

Press was actively involved in politics for most of his life. From 1993-1996, Press worked for various political campaigns and served as the chairman of the California Democratic Party. Currently, he writes columns twice a week.

Press talked about many other people and issues. Press called fellow Crossfire host Robert Novak the prince of darkness. He sounded off about Republican consultant Mary Matalin.

She is smart, Press said. She is sassy, and she is dead wrong on all the issues.

Press said the main reason the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was not passed by Congress was because of partisanship on the part of the Republicans. Press expressed his frustration over the fact that the Monica Lewinsky-President Clinton affair was discussed in Congress for more than a year while the nuclear test ban treaty was only discussed for a day.

He said Republicans will not be able to defend their actions in the future when countries like India, Pakistan and China continue testing nuclear weapons because the United States did not ratify the treaty.

Press said he admires Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and Bill Bradley but is supporting Gore. He predicted Gore will win the Democratic nomination.

Press said the year 2000 will be the year of the Triple Crown, because Democrats will gain a majority in the House, the Senate and garner the presidency as well. But Press said if the Democrats are not able to have complete control of the federal government, he would like to at least see Democrats in control of Congress, therefore having more influence over legislative priorities.

Press also voiced his opinion of Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush.

If he ever loses his Rolodex, he is sunk, Press said.

Press also spoke about Elizabeth Dole, who dropped out of the race last week. He said he was disappointed to see a talented Republican candidate leave her campaign because she lacked campaign funds. Republicans have made a mistake by throwing all their money at Bush’s candidacy, he said.

Press said young people must get more involved in politics. The College Democrats and the School of Media and Public Affairs sponsored the speech as part of the CDs’ Youth and Politics Series.

It’s up to young people today to provide the leadership, he said. We’ve had our chance, and I don’t think we have done a very good job.

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