In Thursday’s article “SA President lacks enthusiasm” (p.4), Matt Berger described some of his opinions of SA President Phil Meisner.
While I will not comment on all of the “errors” that he felt Meisner had made, there is one area discussed that contained inaccurate information.
It is true that the administration requested input about whether Commencement should stay on the Ellipse. On this one particular issue, it was reported incorrectly that Meisner ignored this request. President Trachtenberg initially asked Meisner to have the SA Senate pass a resolution demonstrating student support for Commencement on the Ellipse.
At the first Senate meeting this year, Meisner came and addressed the Senate, asked us to be the voice of the students, and act on this request. The legislation supporting Commencement on the Ellipse was drafted, then went to committee and was unanimously passed by the Senate last Tuesday.
Since Berger commented that he hasn’t been to a Senate meeting lately, yet feels compelled to stay involved, I’d like to suggest to him that before he writes another commentary on the SA, that he checks to ensure that all of his facts and sources are accurate. I agree that people should hold their elected officials accountable for their actions, but maybe people should get involved and stay informed to ensure that this is true.
-Cathy ReslerSA Senator