NROTC to participate in Mardi Gras
More than 20 GW students from the GW Naval ROTC Drill Team will participate in the New Orleans Mardi Gras parade Feb. 13.
Participants also will compete in a drill and physical fitness competition at Tulane University for which they have been practicing since the beginning of the fall semester. The team holds biweekly practices at 6 a.m. on the Quad or in the Funger Hall garage.
“They are looking forward to improving upon an already rewarding experience at Cornell University, where in the fall they won more awards in the drill and athletic competitions than any other team in GW NROTC history,” according to a ROTC press release.
-Francesca Di Meglio
SA kicks off new semester
Student Association undergraduate Sen. Jonathan Skrmetti (CSAS) was voted Rules Committee chair at the first SA senate meeting of the semester Tuesday night.
Skremetti was unanimously chosen after SA graduate Sen. Philippe Rosse (SBPM) officially stepped down as committee chair.
Tuesday night’s meeting also marked the beginning of the mid-year student group allocation process. Graduate Sen. J.P. Blackford (SEAS), Finance Committee chair, said the Student Activities Center will send an e-mail to student groups this week about the allocations.
All student groups are required to have their applications in the SA office by next Wednesday at 5 p.m. Blackford also said he wants student groups to understand that all registered groups must re-apply for funding by the deadline even if they are not requesting a change in allocation. A fine will be imposed on student groups that fail to submit their applications on time.
Student group leaders who have questions should call the SA office at 994-7100.
-Theresa Crapanzano
GW hosts collector’s contest
Gelman Library’s special collections department will host a student collector’s contest through March 26.
“It’s an opportunity for students who collect printed materials to submit them for prizes,” said La Nina Clayton, special collections librarian.
Clayton said printed materials such as books, maps and other textual items could be submitted. It is the first collector’s contest since 1994.
In addition to preparing an essay describing the collection, students also must include a bibliography of the books and materials in their collections.
The department will award three top prizes. First place receives $300, second place $200 and third place $100. The contest, open to both undergraduate and graduate students, will be judged by three faculty members. For more information contact the special collections department in Gelman Library room 207 or call 994-7549.
-Jason Steinhardt
Professors treat public to book signing
Four faculty members who recently have written books will present and sign copies of the works at the Faculty Authors Signing Reception at 10 a.m. Thursday.
The ceremony, hosted by the special collections department, will take place in room 207 of Gelman Library.
Scheduled to speak at the reception is Alfred Hiltebeitel, a professor of religion who co-authored a book with Dr. Barbara Miller, associate professor of anthropology and international affairs.
Dr. Joel Kuipers, professor of anthropology and international affairs, and Robert Stone, adjunct professor of Spanish, also will speak.
For more information, contact the special collections department at 994-7549.
-Jason Steinhardt