Support needed
I write this letter in regards to student attendance at GW women’s basketball games – it is deplorable. On Monday, the 13th-ranked Colonial women played our cross-town rival Georgetown and won. They played a great game even though almost as many Georgetown students attended as GW students did.
As a Smith Center employee and Colonial Brass member, I am at every game and know the men’s team gets a good crowd, but the women do not. It is horrible that with all the advertising and promoting done before each game, we do not get more people to go out and watch the Colonial women play. My feeling is that students should stop whining about the bad parts of GW and go and support one of the best parts. Walk down to the Smith Center, show your student ID and watch a great group of athletes play some great basketball.
-Kyle King
Government open to all
I am disturbed by Mark Drake’s Nov. 12 op-ed (“Is Minnesota embodied by `The Body’?” p. 4). Much of what he says is reflective of the current media fixation on fame and notoriety, but does he really believe Mr. Ventura is such a bad choice? Since when is being the son of a losing presidential candidate a valid background for office, as is the case with Hubert Humphrey III?
As America grows more diverse, there always should be a place for those who think a little differently. Should all governors, senators and congress members be attorneys and “professional politicians”? I don’t think so. Mr. Ventura was a Navy SEAL and a professional wrestler. Jimmy Carter was a Navy officer and a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan was a B-movie actor (starring with a chimp). Is there a difference?
The way I always understood it, it is “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” How is this served by making fun of everyone in politics who does not have a degree in political management? America would be a far better place if we had a few less professional politicians and a few more citizens in office.
Mr. Drake cited numerous parts of Mr. Ventura’s platform that he seemed to feel were wrong.
What? Saying that a rich sports franchise should have to pay for it’s own new stadium? Saying that it’s not the government’s role to provide for adults after they turn 18?
Perhaps if Tom Brokaw, David Letterman and Jay Leno would accept everyone who isn’t in show business, then less jokes would be made on the subject. As for me, I see no need for anyone to cringe, as I feel the republic is in good hands if it’s represented by actual citizens such as Mr. Ventura, rather than media personalities or professional politicians.
-David Dennison
District resident