Latino fraternity hopes to establish chapter at GW
The national fraternity La Unidad Latina, also known as Lambda Upsilon Lambda, soon may become a recognized chapter at GW.
Several East Coast schools, including the University of Maryland at College Park, recognize the fraternity.
A group of GW students are part of the 3Chi Colony? of the fraternity, which consists of GW and Georgetown University students. As more students express an interest, group members said their goal is to establish separate chapters at each school.
Eddie Lara, the secretary of the fraternity, said the Greek-letter organization officially can be recognized at GW when three more members join, making the total five members.
The fraternity will be geared toward community service. In the past, brothers of the fraternity have worked for D.C. Reads, the Latin American Youth Center and the Children1s Defense Fund.
Angel Florenzan, a senior at Georgetown and the chapter1s president, said the fraternity is committed to being proactive in the community to promote awareness of the Latino culture in the D.C. community.
-Alan Boal
GW celebrates Korean culture and art
The 1998 Hahn Moo-Sook colloquium, entitled 3Sparks of Creativity: Women in the Korean Humanities,? commemorated the 80th birthday of Hahn Moo-Sook, a renowned Korean writer, Oct. 24-25 in Smith and Rome halls.
The event also celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Korean language and culture program at GW.
The colloquium series was initiated and organized by Young-Key Kim-Renaud, professor of Korean language and culture and international affairs, who is the daughter of the honored writer.
The purpose of the forum was to open up discussion about international, and specifically Korean, literary and artistic contributions, Kim-Renaud said.
The central objective of the conference was to analyze the creative contributions of Korean women writers from the 15th century Choson Dynasty to the present, Kim-Renaud said.
The colloquium also shed light on the social conditions in which Korean women have lived, said John Gould, associate professor of religion and director of the Asian studies program at Sweet Briar College.
The colloquium series was funded through an endowment established by Moo-Sook1s estate.
-Channika DeSilva