This year’s Homecoming was a great success. Most events were jam-packed with students and alumni. While we still think the events could have been better publicized to attract more off-campus students, the Program Board and Student Association definitely deserve to be congratulated for a job well done. These groups showed students can put on a series of events that can rival those organized by the University.
The large turnout might also show the University that students are genuinely interested in these types of celebrations. Could this lead to the rescue of the potentially doomed Monumental Celebration? After all, students greatly exceeded the expected participation numbers. More than 500 students participated in the Homecoming masquerade ball, each paying $20 for tickets.
Doesn’t this show that students would be willing to pay similar prices for a celebration at Union Station? This is something the University folks should think about. GW student enjoy big events. And with the strength of the University’s Office of Special Events behind advertising for Monumental Celebration, a senior class that has closely followed Commencement planning is likely to respond.
The only downside to the festivities was the apparently large number of inebriated participants. At the David Spade comedy show, a large number of people in the nosebleed sections had mysterious brown paper bags they were sipping from. Their shouts at times made it difficult to hear Spade – and completely, rudely drowned out GW’s comedy improv group Recess. Even at the gala, some people overtly obnoxious with alcohol tainted others’ fun.
Events planners could have done a better job overseeing those admitted. This, in addition to better advertising, would be good lessons for future large-scale GW events.